Workplace Safety News - Core Safety, LLC
Core Safety Group


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Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. partnered with a general contractor to build a store in Washington, IN. Under the contract, representatives were required to perform daily SWPPP inspections of the job site and complete inspection reports, and once every two weeks, a compliance officer was to perform an inspection and complete a report.

Posted: March 24, 2017 | Tags: ,

Sometimes, the most dangerous errors can be traced back to basic safety protocol. The American Ladder Institute has declared March “National Ladder Safety Month,” and CORE Safety Group is dedicated to ensuring that our team holds and shares the most ­up-to-date and relevant tactics for effective safety training.

Posted: March 22, 2017 | Tags:

To an onlooker, a ladder might seem like one of the safer tools on a jobsite, so it may be surprising that ladder falls account for about 20,000 injuries and 300 deaths each year. However, falls are preventable with the correct safety planning, training, and proper ladder usage.

Posted: March 8, 2017 |

Three workers from a private contractor firm died when they climbed into a manhole to investigate why a section of street in Key Largo was not settling properly. Based on reports from responding emergency personnel, the workers were overcome by a toxic atmosphere, which contained hydrogen sulfide and method gas generated by rotted vegetation.A fourth worker and a firefighter responding to assist in rescuing the three victims also suffered effects of the toxic atmosphere and received medical treatment.

Posted: February 27, 2017 |

The U.S. EPA published its final 2017 Construction General Permit (CGP), which takes effect on February 16, 2017, the same date as the expiration of the 2012 CGP. The 2017 permit includes several new or modified requirements, summarized below, which will impact affected construction projects located in portions of the U.S. where EPA is the permitting authority. These changes may also be reflected in state-level permit programs as they come up for renewal.

Posted: February 3, 2017 | Tags:

Reminder! –It is Now February! Is your OSHA 300A log posted?

Posted: February 1, 2017 |

Protect your family of employees. Reach out to CORE Safety to implement a customized fleet safety program for your company. These policies remind employees: don’t drive with distractions— whether you’re on or off the job.

Posted: January 25, 2017 |

Technology on job sites offers unparalleled assistance to construction workers, but there’s one tool that field staff should always put away: their cell phones

Posted: January 18, 2017 |

While CORE provides training, insurance surveying, and a number of other services to enhance job safety, you can also play a role in your and others’ safety by educating your colleagues about the dangers of distracted driving. Encourage others to put away their phones and other distractions including food, beverages, cigarettes, and radio and prevent possible accidents by maintaining a safe time interval between your car and the car ahead.

Posted: January 11, 2017 |

During the month of January, CORE will be sharing weekly articles featuring advice for improving safe practices at work— and at home. For some, it’s second-nature to grab a cell phone or electronic device when hopping into the car. We hope what we share this month will help our friends think twice before they allow their phones to distract them when behind the wheel.

Posted: January 4, 2017 | Tags:

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