Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention for Employers - Core Safety, LLC
Core Safety Group

Intended Audience

This ClickSafety Cal/OSHA Heat Illness training course is intended for all Construction and General Industry employers in California, including managers, supervisors and workers who are potentially exposed to heat illness and stress during their job.

  • California-based Construction Workers
  • California-based General Industry Workers
  • California-based Manufacturing Workers
  • California-based DOT/Transportation Workers

Why Take This Course

The Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention online safety course will enhance your understanding of heat exposure and illness prevention. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Recognize the potential consequences of heat illness
  • Recognize employer responsibilities for preventing heat illness, as required by the Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Standard, including the creation of a Heat Illness Prevention Plan and provisions for water and shade, acclimatization and training
  • Identify tips for preventing heat illness
  • Identify causes of heat stress and how the human body handles heat
  • Identify the types and characteristics of heat stress
  • Identify ways to prevent heat stress

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention
  • Heat Illness Background and Case Studies
  • Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Standard
  • Heat Stress Overview and Causes
  • Heat Stress Illnesses
  • Heat Stress Prevention

Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention is intended for employers in all industries that have employees working in California with the potential for exposure to heat illness and heat stress. This course is intended to familiarize the student with the basics of Cal/OSHA’s standard, titled Heat Illness Prevention, and found in Section 3395 of the Title 8 California Code of Regulations, as amended in April, 2015.

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